Well, this year was going to be the year, I was going to break down and get the dreaded artificial tree. There are lots of reasons to go artificial:
#1- the environment
#2-you can put it up earlier
#3-less mess
#4-predictable shape and size
and of course:
#5- no dashing through the snow, rain, sleet or whatever Newfoundland weather may throw your way.
Usually, we buy a real tree locally. Many years ago I told the children about a local man named Boonie, Santa Clauses brother. He has a long white beard and a marvelous twinkle in his peircing blue eyes. His wife always with her bowl of candy, passing them out to the kids. It was fun going down to Boonie picking out our tree. This year, however, Jack wouldn't go for it. Is the magic starting to disappear? Maybe, maybe not? He wanted to go in the forest as a family and cut a tree. We though it would be cool to bring Jane out and experience that so here we are, searching just off the Bonavista highway.
Mom, what is going on?
Boys will be boys!
We found the first perfect fir tree we saw!
Poor daddy! Here he is trying to saw down the tree with what he called a "butter knife." It was funny listening to him complain.
What do you think of this beautiful winter day baby?
What are we gonna do dad? The saw sucks!
Let's just hug!
I just don't know what we are doing here!
What is this stuff?
I think I like it!
My babies!
My girls!
My little man
Oh! What fun!
Wait now..Are we still having fun?
Not! Look at that face!
My monkey!
Monkey see...monkey do!
Oh Christmas Tree...we got you!
Sweet John
Watch those boots Jakie!
Love this one and these two!
It was a lovely afternoon. We went in the forest, we had lots of laughs, a wee bit of complaining, a little bit of crying and memories that will last a lifetime. Create some! Time is better than things!