Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Corneal Abrasions-Step Throats/Hives-Ear Infections

Remember, way back to our Chinese New Year celebrations, I mentioned Jack got an icicle in the eye, well it turns out that was the worst corneal abrasion Dave had ever seen. You could actually see a gel like substance peeled back in his eye. I just about threw up when I saw it. He had a tough night of pain but by the following evening the abrasion had healed over. Two days later, he developed an iris (infection), this is what we didn't want to happen. So, it was off to the opthamologist for an urgent consult. The opthamologist said his eye had taken quite a hit, the cells were very unstable and that he was a very lucky boy. We had to continue the drops Dave had prescribed and he included a glue like ointment that had to be instilled at bedtime, this would help the cells adhere to the cornea. Well, we are still doing all of that. He gets rechecked next week, fingers crossed.
Poor Jack the night the icicle got him.

Now, strep throats! Jacob has been unwell the last 6 days. Unexplained hives that we have been treating with Benadryl first then a very sore throat and little energy! He is home from school with very white yucky tonsils, swab sent and now on his second lot of antibiotics.Poor guy!

Jakie-my strep throat guy on a happier day!

Ear Infections-Jane is now into her 4th ear infection. The first one was Christmas Day. Dave says she has teenie tiny ear canals and wax so they are difficult to see. I always know when she has an infection because she gets very clingy and irritable. Poor girlie! After her second dose of antibiotics and some Tylenol, she seems to be on the mend tonight.

So, there you have it. It is all a part of being a mother. This comes with it. You take the good days and go through them, sometimes not appreciating the ease of them. You notice the days that swallow you up because they disappear and you just don't know where they went. A couple of sick kids can really change your routine. You have to just roll with it because life goes on!


  1. Oh my, poor little dudes! Hope everyone gets better soon!

  2. Doesn't sound like much fun at your house... we had a similar eye injury a couple of years ago, had to go in every week, now it is once every two years to watch for cataracts! I hope he heals quickly! And the other kids too!

  3. Oh my, none of that sounds like fun! Hope the guys (and little gal) are on the mend soon...and wishing Mom a bit of rest too after taking care of everyone.
