Sunday, September 4, 2011

Last weekend of Summer

It's Labour Day weekend.
It's our last weekend of freedom. School starts on Wednesday. The chaos of  after school sports, music, bowling, homework, making lunches and early mornings is about to begin.

Jane is going to back home with just mama.
She will miss her baa' she calls them.
I am going to miss them too. They are all a great help. They watch Jane while I shower, cook, run errands. They are all so good with her. They love their sister so much.

We hate to say goodbye to summer. 
But we know it must come to an end.

Until next year! We will miss you!


  1. Whew what a busy bunch! Looks like you are going to miss all your "helpers". Hope the school year is a good one for everyone...with special time for MaMa and Jane too!

  2. I hope your helpers have a wonderful start to the school year. I am sure you and Jane will fill the days with things to do quickly!
