Friday, October 21, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

How do you go from having a 2 1/2 to 3 hour nap to no nap? Apparently, you don't! Typically, Jane goes to nappy land around 1:30 . This past week she is not interested in that anymore. She tries to keep going but as you can see she crashes. She managed to survive until about 3:30!

Here she is with her"Ba" She just got right up in Jacob's arms and fell asleep. Too sweet!

 And here she is with neighbour Nina after a long day with no nappy. Crash and burn out!

Off to bed baby girl!


  1. Adorable, I love Jacob's smile in the pictures! We are slowly moving towards no nap, especially for Sylvie. We still have quiet time though and most of the time she still snoozes for some of it.

  2. That's a good idea Joyanne. Maybe a bit of cuddle time is the answer. No nap is tough.

  3. Love how she just crawls into a lap to crash! How sweet!

    We are struggling with no naps too. Today even with nap... then it was like living through Les Miserable (so much emotion) at supper time :). So nap is tough!
