Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh the wax!

Jane has had an ongoing problem with wax build up.
 It was hooked out by the ENT specialist on her initial visit to the children's hospital last December and I have been treating her ears with various solutions to keep them clear even since.
She runs, hides and shakes her head no when she sees me coming with the Tylenol dropper now.
 She is so over the peroxide, olive oil, vinegar, water, and stool softener I have been dropping in there.
On this visit to the hospital, I requested the hook again.
It was not pleasant!
 A nurse and I had to hold her down while the doctor hauled massive amounts of the blackest wax I have ever seen, out of her little ears.
Apparently she has tiny ear canals, I don't think they are problem tiny, just tiny.
Then it was off for the hearing test. Above she is watching Diego while big brother Josh is tested. She was not interested in having a hearing test done. We got the right side done while she was watching TV but no luck with the left, maybe on next visit!


  1. Good attitude, at least they were able to get her right side checked out! Hope Josh's ears came out fine too.

  2. Yes, it is tough to get their hearing tested so young! It will get better the next time you try once Jane is familiar with the program...Su Yee has to do this too every few months and it is getting easier now that she knows what to expect.

    Hope Josh's hearing tested fine too!

  3. Thanks guys. Josh had a cleft palate when he was born. He has had several sets of ear tubes over the years. His most recent set just came out. He has a lot of scarring from previous surgeries and infection. His hearing is borderline normal. I expect more tubes in his future.
