Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday baby Jane

We were only home a few days when our baby turned 1! I was thinking I would do a princess party.... surprise! What did you all think I was going to theme this as, dinosaurs or transformers....not! Anyway, things didn't quite work out the way I  planned, mainly because most of Jane's brothers couldn't keep their eyes open long enough to celebrate with her. The jet lag was bad. We were all very, very tired. Dave's parents were at our house when we got home on Friday Nov. 19. They wanted to celebrate Jane's birthday with her before they went home on Sunday. Dave's mom made a little cake for her and his parents gave her a My First Diamond initial necklace, a hat and mittens and her first Baby Alive dollie. So that was celebration #1.
Celebrating with Nanny's cake.
Brothers gathered around.
Enjoying Nanny's cake-num num!!

So Monday Nov. 22 was the big day. I was so thrilled to have my little girl home at last, and to have her home for her first birthday, well, that was a big treat in itself. I hung the banners. I blew up the balloons. I got the baby size cake. She had the princess wand and 3 different princess crowns. After all a girl needs to have choices! I bought her a little toy. Then, we waited. We waited for her brothers to come home  from school. Then we waited for Daddy to come home from work. Remember now, we are all walking zombies. Well, half our house was asleep by 6 pm. We could not wake them. John and Jack would not even wake up to eat. Dave had to carry them to their beds. This happened again Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening. By now, I am panicking. Jane still has not had her little family party! I was taking no more chances. Thursday morning when everyone was wide awake, we had our baby girls birthday party. Before everyone walked out that door and left me with the guilt we sang Happy Birthday, had cake, kissed our baby and gave her presents. She has been given so many gifts since we arrived home on Friday. Thank you everyone for your kindness.
It's about time! Come on with the cake for cryin' out loud!
What seems to be the problem anyway!
Are you for real? It is 8 am!
What do I do?
We'll blow the candle out for you Jane!

I really don't know what is going on here. I just want my steamed egg! is getting more interesting!
I made this little bear for Jack a few years ago. We were watching Little Bear together when Mama Bear made Little Bear a bear with a fishing pole. They called him Fisherman Bear. Jack said he wished he had a Fisherman Bear, so right there and then I made him one. This morning he went right away and got that special bear and gave it to his sister as a birthday gift. Now, isn't that something! That is love. I just thought it was so thoughtful it brought tears to my eyes. What a boy! His world has changed so much, yet he has embraced it with grace and love. He truly loves his little sister. daddy needs a photography course.

So..our baby is 1. We are.... so grateful, so thankful, so blessed, so lucky, so in love, so looking forward to Christmas. It's all good!


  1. Happy first birthday Jane! I am so glad she was able to have her special day with her family.... even if you were all exhausted!
