Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What have you Got if you Ain't got LOVE!

Our little Valentine's Day tree with the treats cupid left!!

Enjoying a little treat
Remember....I got the music in me!

This little book is about a woman who adopted her daughter from China. It is a beautiful book.

Blowing kisses to you!

Look at that face!

This is Jane's new hmmm look. Everyday we chose her outfit and she definitely knows what she wants and what she doesn't. She will put her little finger to her lips and say "hmmm" when she is trying to decide on one outfit over another.

Hee Hee!

I love this one!

Tu Tu cute!

This is my favorite!

Photo session over..real life!

Ok...so...I don't bake. I hate it actually! Dave's patients are all kind enough to do my Christmas baking for me, they give us trays of cookies from time to time  and then there is Pillsbury. If they go to all the trouble to design a lovely Valentine sugar cookie, the least I can do is pop them in the oven for 8 minutes. The kids were thrilled when I arrived with these as I dropped off their lunches. 3 survived the trip home!

Special BBQ tenderloin supper for my special valentine's before Dave and I went out to supper.

My Valentine and I

What have you got if you ain't got Love!

Our little man

John Jack and Jane

Josh Jack Jane

Jacob (so very impressed with all this foolishness) Josh Jack and Jane

Jake-getting into it now!

Sweetie John

Josh John Jack and Jane

Very special friends-Jane and Jack

I t amazes me everyday, how well this little girl has fit into our family. Daily, I am asked ,How is she doing, How is she adjusting, How is she sleeping? The answers-Great-Great-Great.
No doubt, there are days that are so busy I feel like I am drowning but most days I float, some days I thread water, everyday I am grateful, blessed and in love!


  1. The Pillsbury dough boy and I are great friends as well!

    I love your last comment about sometimes drowning, sometimes floating and other days floating - but always grateful, blessed and in love. Too true!

  2. The leg warmer pictures are way too CUTE! Absolutely my favorite :)

    I think if there was a "girly girl" contest you would win hands down! Hee Hee...
    Love this photo session...it is tutu cute...is that a lollitop hat that Jane is wearing?
