Friday, February 25, 2011

What have you got in your cupboard?

Jane loves her snackies. Some of her favorites:
1-mandarine oranges
3-corn puffs
4-Graduate snacks
She lets me know when she wants a snack by going to the cupboard, opening the doors and pointing. Today, she decide to get right in and she what I actually had in there.
Mom...I want a snack!

I'm diggin' in

Look at those little feet!

I would really like some of those snacks in the yellow can! Please!


  1. She gets right in there, doesn't she? Sometimes I think my pantry needs a lock, or a revolving door!

  2. Oh... that is just too cute!

    I love the fact that she is tiny enough to fit right in the pantry!

  3. What a climber! I am starting an online adoption resource for Canadians and am wondering if you would be okay with me adding your blog to the list of "Canadian Adoption Blogs"? Please e-mail me at and let me know. Thanks so much!

  4. What a climber she is!

    I am starting an online adoption resource and am wondering if you would be okay with me adding your blog link to the list of "Canadian Adoption Blogs"? Please e-mail me at Thanks so much!
