Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beijing- Day 2

We all met for breakfast downstairs this morning. For the most part it was western with Chinese elements such as Chinese tea eggs. The boys ate well. Dave and I both had to go to the bank to change our money into Yuen. For us this was simple but a 2 1/2 hour venture for others, some families even had to go to another bank as the Bank of China ran out of Yuen.We were lucky enough to be the third person in line. We left the bank with a full paper bag full of money that I had stuffed under my coat. It was thankfully a short walk back to the hotel. After everyone arrived back to the hotel our guide took those of us who wanted to go, on a Hutong tour. It was great! Jack again was a real hit. We all went in Pedi cabs. The boys really enjoyed it as did Dave and I. We went into a home there and had Jasmine tea and spoke with the owner. He was very nice. He made his living teaching kung fu.

We all met for Chinese food when we got back. Our guide, Faye, ordered for us. The bill for our family was $18, including beer! It was delicious. The boys did their best with it but I was happy to have packed snacks as they were dipped into when we got back.
We leave now in a few hours to get Jane. I am emotional already. I can’t believe the time has come. In a way this all seems dream like. 5 years of paperwork, social work visits, medicals, criminal record checks and hours and hours of internet surfing to prepare for this day. It is tough, no way of actually preparing yourself. I don’t know what to axpect. I only hope she is not too upset and that she bonds with ideally both of us or at least one of us. We are taking her from all that she knows and that is going to be traumatic. This is the last time we will be a family of six and I can’t tell you how excited the boys are. Let the adventure begin.


Last photo as a family of 6!


  1. Beautiful Photo's . soon their will be seven

  2. lucky number 7, does that not come from Chinese culture? Cannot wait to see pictures tomorrow
