Saturday, November 13, 2010

Visit to Jane's Orphanage

The road leading to Jane's orphanage
Arriving at the orphanage

A full view of the orphanage where Jane spent her first year

This is the main entry gate

This is Jane’s main nanny. When we pulled in she was hanging out one of the windows, the next thing I know she is running down the stairs calling out to her, “SHOU YU SHOU YU.” Jane was so happy to see her. She had big smiles. Her nanny was wiping tears from her eyes and so was I.

Can you feel the Love????

This lady is one of the officials in the orphanage. She would take Jane everyday to feed her and play with her. Jane was very special to her. She was waiting outside for us to arrive. She could not wait for me to get out of the van with Jane. She was tapping on the window. I had to pass her out through the window to her. You could tell Jane adored her.

This is Kayla with ICC-International China Concern. She was nice enough to update me on Jane while I was waiting. She has been in China 8 years helping the “most vulnerable” at Jane’s orphanage. If you are going to donate overseas this years or if you can afford to do so please donate to her project in Hengyang. This is where Jane got her start. Here is the web site.

Just before we left, standing at the main gate.

This is the hospital where Jane was found. The other girl is the secretary at the orphanage.

The director of Jane’s orphanage met us for lunch. He seemed like a very nice, kind man. He asked us if we liked her and thanked us for adopting her. We could not believe he came out to lunch with us. Amazing!

This is the doctor that cares for Jane when she was first brought into the orphanage. She came to the restaurant as well with the physical therapist. Both of them came running in shouting “SHOU YU SHOU YU”. This is what Jane’s nickname was. It means small rain. Jane was again delighted to see her.

This pretty lady is one of the therapists at Jane’s orphanage. She works 5 days a week there doing range of motion exercises and other physical therapy with the children. Jane was very happy to see her. The women was very taken with Jane. She dropped into the restaurant to see her. The love was obvious.

There you go. That’s all I am going to share. This is Jane’s history, her story. I want to tell her every detail. I videotaped almost 2 hours of the city, the people, and the orphanage. It was a very emotional day. I felt very privileged to have been permitted to do all the video recording and picture taking. That is very rare.



  1. Precious memories I'm sure she will someday appreciate.

  2. You are so fortunate to have been able to do this, Bonnie. Wonderful!
    Carolyn W.

  3. Bonnie, these picture are amazing! Im glad i got to see them!! Thankyou! <3 (she is just so cute)

