Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saying Goodbye To Changsha

Our beautiful daughter
 Isn’t this precious! We are convinced people
think Jacob may be Justin Beiber.
So many people want their picture
 taken with him.

 Milky Time!
We cannot keep Jane fed, very hungry girlie.

 Outside our hotel~ The Dolton
 Children going to school.

 Jane has her boarding pass, she is ready to go.
Bye Bye Changsha.

Back in Beijing.
It is much much colder here so Mom
had to bundle me up.
Aren't I the cutest little thing.

Today was just more paperwork,
lunch, a little walk with
the family and off to Beijing.
The family walk didn’t last
long as the boys started to complain that I was going
to want to go in every shop.......true!
So, Dave took them off to lunch
and then Jane and I joined
them after we bought her some
Chinese/English board books for her.
Several people pointed to her uncovered arms.
That is very taboo here. It was 25*,
the poor kid was sweating.
After lunch we all checked out and headed to the airport.
When we got there, we all crashed. So tired!



  1. Ever since Justin Beber came to be famous, I have always thought there was a remarkable resemblence to your JB! She is sweet Bonnie, so is her birthday party on Sunday? We haven't gotten an invite yet??? lol, I'll forgive ya seeing where you are:)

  2. Beatiful pictures again Bonnie. She certainly is one little loved girl. So comforting to you to see how loved she is there. You, as I knew you would, have made some lasting memories of her first home and heritage for her. I bet you can't wait to buy all the girly embelishments and papers for her scrapbook!!! Can't wait to move home now!!!!

  3. Beautiful new pictures Bonnie. The one with Jabob is stunning.
